ANU #27–Introduction to Catappult and PGC London

AppCoins Wallet
6 min readJan 16, 2019

AppCoins News Update, or ANU for short, is a regular bi-weekly update by the AppCoins team. As usual, we are going to cover dev updates, market reports, team members and upcoming events. This weeks focus is on MultiSig Protection System, the Catappult Announcement, and PocketGamer Connects.

Dev Update
APPC Markets Report
Featured Team Member
Upcoming Events

Add MultiSig Protection To Our Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are the foundation of the AppCoins ecosystem. Besides providing transparency and security, they are extremely reliable because they run on ethereum blockchain. Some of those smart contracts have critical data that can only be changed by the contract owner (us). The fact that there is only one owner for the contracts — i.e., only one person with the power to make changes to the contracts if needed — is quite risky, and here are the two main reasons why:

Lose the wallet key: If for some reason we lose the keystore to the owner wallet, we won’t be able to retrieve it, and that means we won’t be able to make further changes to the contract when needed.

Leak key: If for some reason we leak that key, the person who gets it will have full control of the contracts and damage the ecosystem.

So, to prevent that from happening, we are implementing a multisig solution to protect the critical smart contracts. A multisig solution means that instead of having only one owner, we will have three owners to make changes to the data. Each time a change is required, at least two of the owners have to agree to them by signing those changes. Most importantly, each owner will have his own key, and in case one of the keys is lost or leaked, there won’t be any problems since we need two out of three keys to make changes.

The Catappult SDK

Our job is to make it as easy as possible to enter the AppCoins ecosystem. When it comes to developers, at the moment there are two different ways in which they can join us: either by using our Unity plugin or by migrating the Google billing to the AppCoins SDK. The fact is that there wasn’t any simple solution for the developers that chose to implement it from scratch, so to help those developers, we are working to include the IAP flow in the BDS-SDK. The SDK will take care of all of the interprocess communication and the setup to communicate with the wallet. You can follow this development here.

Furthermore, in the past, we’ve made a deal with Unity to make the developers life as easy as possible when it came to integrating with APPC IAP, but we still want to improve this. That said, we are currently working on a tool to make it even easier to integrate with us.

Attribution System

In our ecosystem, the store is one of the players that receive revenue from the transactions that are made. Up to the moment, we only had Aptoide app store supporting the AppCoins Protocol, but we want other stores to join us. So, we are working on an attribution system which allows us to detect the store associated with the transaction so that we can then attribute the revenue share to that store.

Wallet Provider

We always try to give the best user experience to protocol users. Last month, the Aptoide app store launched a program called Holidays AppCoins Craze, and it was a huge success bringing thousands of users to the ecosystem. For the users to get the AppCoins, they had to retrieve their wallet address from our AppCoins Wallet app. That was hard to explain and hard to understand. So, to help them and everyone else who would like to do similar promotions in the future, we are working on a permission system. This permission system will first need the consent of the user so that the wallet app can then provide de Ethereum Wallet address to the apps under the hood. This will make it much easier to get those free AppCoins from the promotions.

As always, you’re invited to follow our work regarding all of the products we’re working on:

Published artefacts:

At the time of writing, the current market cap is close to $4.47 M USD, with $527.67 K USD in volume in the last 24 hours across these exchanges: Binance (97,04%) and Huobi (2,96%).

Since the last ANU, APPC value has witnessed a high of $0.055 USD on Jan 6th, and a low of $ 0.038 USD on Jan 13th. You can see more info about APPC markets at Coinmarketcap.

Name: Francisco Reis
Role: Full Stack Developer
Bio: Francisco joined the Catappult team back in October 2018 as a Full Stack Developer, and is currently responsible for the implementation of the website’s intercom. His goal is to present the best user experience possible, and to provide customer support to the Catappult developers.

Today is the day we’ll be introducing Catappult to the world — the first blockchain app distribution solution.

Formerly known as BDS, Catappult gives the power back to Android developers by giving them several incentives such as Priority on Search Results, Featured Bundles or Editor’s Pick at all the adopting stores’ main pages. Most importantly, it provides the community with one of the most competitive in-app purchase payouts available in the market: 81% of the revenue for the developer.

Furthermore, Catappult will be able to reach several emerging markets such as Southeast Asia, India or Brazil, thanks to a pool of disruptive app stores such as Aptoide, Multilaser, and Cherry Mobile, with a potential reach of over 200 million users.

The main goal for Catappult is to ensure the best experience possible for our community by facilitating technical processes and giving developers more time to do what they do best: create amazing apps and games.

You can find more about Catappult here.

The AppCoins team will be attending PocketGamer Connects in London, one of the largest gaming conferences in the world!

Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the new trends and the realities of the current markets from key speakers, meet representative key players from across the ecosystem — the marketplaces, the triple-A publishers, the indie developers, the tool makers, and the analysts — and much more!

Pedro Almeida, our VP of Strategy and Monetization, will be attending the event to find out the latest insights on the mobile development ecosystem and introduce Catappult — the world’s first Blockchain App Distribution Solution.

PGC London will take place in London, on January 21–22, 2019.



AppCoins Wallet

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